My friend Janette posted something on a Facebook Page I belong to, “Old Hippies Never Die, They Just Flashback.” She doesn’t believe that old hippies never die because when one does die she’s the first to spread the word. In today’s case it’s the death of Richie Havens. Of course Richie died a solid two or three years ago but we’ll forgive Janette for forgetting exactly when Richie left us.

But it made me feel bad remembering Richie because of Glenn Frey’s recent demise and others so far this year. Not a good year for old hippies, which I am sadly a part of. But no one will care when I kick the bucket – no real friends except for maybe three people. Janette is one of my three close friends. Yeah, she’ll shed a tear or two I suspect but not the waterfall that will be pouring out of her eyes when, (and I have to whisper this because I don’t want Janette to hear), Daryl Hall leaves his Earthly life behind.

You remember Daryl Hall from Daryl Hall and John Oates? “Sara Smile”, “Maneater”, “I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do).” You remember them, right?

Anyway, Janette and I met maybe five or six years ago on a Daryl Hall Facebook page. You’ve seen pages similar to it. A bunch of middle aged women swooning over a, well, I’ll say it, an old rocker.

In a way Janette and I didn’t really belong with the middle aged swooners. We kind of joked around about Daryl but we were/are fans of his. I was an entertainment writer for a now defunct entertainment site and Janette was sure I would get the opportunity to interview Daryl. You know, sit by his side and watch as he tossed his hair around. Daryl has some nice hair. Much better than mine.

Janette was going to be my photographer so she could get into the room where Daryl and I would be talking. The only problem is that Janette told me that she would most likely faint and I would have to pick her off the floor. This became a running joke with us. “Sharon, you better not let me lay on the floor when I see Daryl.” “Sounds good to me,” I told her. I wouldn’t let her lay on the floor unless I was too busy laughing. No, no, I would get Daryl to pick up Janette’s swooned body and gently lay it on the couch with her head on his lap. I think that’s Janette’s dream.

But reality always shows its ugly head and the odds of meeting Daryl Hall are close to zero. But, I do think that the good Mr. Hall is aware of my name because I have written an article or two or 20 about him and they weren’t always nice. Now, now, now, it isn’t because I don’t like the good Mr. Hall it’s just that I got more hits if I didn’t write all the positive things that every other writer spoke about. I wasn’t exactly mean to him but I did have my sarcastic moments.

Janette didn’t mind my sarcastic articles, she loved them. She prayed that my articles would one day get Daryl to notice me and thus she’ll get to have her head laying on Hall’s lap after she fainted. Keep dreaming, Janette.

When Janette posted about Richie Havens today she said she was afraid about who the next old hippie will be to join Richie and Glenn in the great band beyond. Translation: “Oh no, if it’s Daryl Hall no one will ever be able to console me. Sharon, break his death to me gently.” Okay, Janette I will tell you about his death as gently as I can.

But I have to say something here. Daryl Hall will be turning 70 years old this October. Certainly not as young as he was in the 80’s but, you know, 70 isn’t that old. Right? Tell me 70 isn’t that old.

And something else of great importance; Daryl Hall is not sick. At least as far as I know but no one knew David Bowie was sick. Hall also has them strong Hohl, (his real last name) genes roaming around his body. His dad was well into his 90’s when he passed and his mom, Betty, is in her 90’s now. I figure Daryl has at least a solid 25 years left. With the way things are going he’ll definitely out live me. Probably even Janette and all those middle aged ladies that still swoon over him on all those Facebook pages. (They’ll never meet Hall either but don’t tell them that. They’re busy cuddling with posters of him on their beds.)

I’m stocking up on Kleenex just in case Daryl departs before me or Janette. And I’ll save some for my pal, Jill, who feels the same way about Tom Petty.

Okay, here’s one of my favorite videos of Daryl Hall. I know Janette will like it, she likes everything he sings.

10 thoughts on “Janette and The Fear of Daryl Hall’s Death

      1. I loved it, Sharon, I have a friend, Ken Hatley, who was very close friends to Richie Havens. Ken may be someone you may like to interview about this huge rock legend. I hope Richie Havens makes it into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, as he is very deserving. Too sad he is not around to appreciate the honor. The recent loss of Glenn Frey broke my heart, as I am a huge fan of his and the Eagles. R&B lost a huge talent when we lost Glen. I saw the Eagles back in the 1994 “Hell Freezes Over” tour,,,a highlight of my life, We all have our guys that makes us swoon, Glenn Frey was one of mine. Keep up the great writing and maybe you and Jannette will make that interview at last.


  1. I thought I was reading a book review at first.. Sigh.. At this age its all up to our maker. You know what? All the famous musician’s I’ve met.. The only one still alive is Smokey Robinson. I actually drank S. Comfort with Janis Joplin and didnt know who she was. I was 15!


  2. Hi…I dont feel muddle aged (48)….but I am so fortunate to have met him twice (as a crazy love-struck fan in a too brief back stage capacity) but I remember he was very gracious and patiently signing autographs (1990) and posing for a photo (2010). I have been a fan since 1984 and completely relate to your friend Janette’s fear (not that I would say that aloud…gasp NO) Thanks for an entertaining article and I do hope you and Janette get your interview one day! Get yourselves to Daryl’s House in Pawling, New York!


    1. Hi Joanne – I’m very sad to say that my friend Janette passed in Early December from cancer. But as she was sick she would always ask me how Daryl was doing. When I told her I thought he was back with Sara she was thrilled and hoped that they stayed together. I’m glad you enjoyed the article. Janette was thrilled when I wrote it. I’ll be keeping an eye out for Daryl and all his activities because Janette would want me to. Thanks for posting. 🙂


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